Real Encouragement After Leaving Mormonism
GROUP LIFE - What should I expect?

Meeting Basics
REALM Fellowship will be a safe and supportive group with four main focus points.
1) We will explore the Bible together, navigating different topics and aspects of Biblical Christianity. Topics will be group driven, to meet the needs of members as they grow and learn more about Christ and who they are as Christians.
2) We will have a time of sharing our own stories, as related to that weeks topic. This will give us time to talk about our own journey with out judgment or fear. Sharing our victories and struggles with each other will help us learn more as we move forward into authentic Christian growth.
3) A time of prayer, where we learn how to pray with and for each other, sharing in the burdens and praises each week of the group. Uniting together as Christian brothers and sisters.
4) Fellowship and Fun. Building relationships and friendships united in Christ is important part of the support group setting. Plus, what is a support group with out cookies?
Look forward to meeting you and joining with you on this journey!
Visit the Group!
Past Topics
What is Truth?
What is the True Church?
Christian Liberty
Fasting for Christians
Topics are chosen to meet the needs of the group members. If you have a certain topic you would like to discuss, we will try to accomdate a future Group meeting for you!

Exploring the Bible Together
A time to explore a topic each week as we navigate through the different aspects of Biblical Christianity. Topics will often chosen by the group to meet the needs of members.

Prayer Time
Praying together.
Learning how to pray with each other, while sharing each others burdens and praises.
Sharing our Stories
How can sharing our stories help each other.
With each Biblical topic we discuss, we will have a time to talk, with out judgment or fear, about what we've learned in our own journey.
Sharing our victories and struggles and what we have learned.

Fellowship Fun
Building relationships and friendships united in Christ that can move beyond the support group and into our daily lives.